Obedience Under Adversity

14 Nov

For the most part, I remain obedient during adversity but right now that is not working out so great. What do I mean by obedient? Committed to and willing to follow through all actions required of me.

When I encounter struggles (financial, family obstacles, emotional stress), I remain focused on the major goal I am undertaking at the time. In this case, school. I strongly believe that what I am learning in school is part of my destiny. Although school is extremely challenging I prepared for this before returning to school. My level of preparation included affirmations, working out, reading spiritual literature daily, and  “me time”. Caught in a Catch 22, I have not been diligent in these activities.

Yes, school is difficult and it may be easy to let meaningful habits fall through the crack, but for me the aforementioned are just as important as school, if not more. Being physically, mentally, and spiritually healthy and balanced is the only way to ensure that all of this learning does not go to waste!

I use the word obedient because I knew what habits and actions would be required of me prior to returning to school. Obedience and discipline is important if I will reach and MAINTAIN the path that has been outlined for me. Slowly but surely I am taking actions to reintegrate best practices into my daily life.

Beginning this week, I will resume my morning affirmations and my daily reading of spiritual literature.

Have you been obedient under adversity? What are you going to recommit to doing on a regular basis?


Posted by on November 14, 2011 in Personal Processing, Uncategorized


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4 responses to “Obedience Under Adversity

  1. kerri

    November 14, 2011 at 6:49 pm

    There are three things that I know I’m supposed to be doing right now. I don’t always do them. In fact, I have spent much of the last year doing them only intermittently.

    Yesterday, I recommitted to “obedience.” In this case, I really feel that the practices are more than just smart and logical choices; I believe that they are specific instructions from the Creator’s heart to mine.

    All my fears that I won’t have enough energy or the discipline needed to practice them is just empty fear, I’m discovering. When I do make the choice to obey, everything gets better. I somehow have huge amounts of peace, energy, and joy. It’s like handing in a $5 bill, and getting a $20 in return.

    Now to remember this principle on the days when I feel discouraged!

    It’s worth it, it’s worth it, it’s worth it.

    • Ashley S.C. Walls

      November 14, 2011 at 7:13 pm

      AWESOME inspiration! Thank you so much for your feedback. I am always glad to get others advice and know this is not a struggle I am going through on my own.

  2. Ashley Blain

    January 2, 2012 at 10:09 am

    I LOVE THIS!!!! Often times I really forget how important it is to be physically, mentally and spiritually healthy. I will definitely incorporate more ME time into my schedule. I love to help others and that will never change, but I have to help myself as well.

    Thank you for this post!

    • Ashley S.C. Walls

      January 2, 2012 at 10:17 am

      Thank you so much for reading Ashley. And keep me posted on how your YOU time is going. I have been doing pretty well lately myself.


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